
The familiar DNA in the coffee of the world

An unmistakable aroma, with a familiar flavour, present in 30 countries.

Caffè Pavin tells about its winning “blend”.

Before the interview, he has had his coffee: one of the five coffees he tastes during the day, at home or in the company. This is how the meeting with Emiliano Beghetto, administrator of Caffè Pavin, begins, immersed in his world, the company in Tombolo, a town in the Alta Padovana region. A third-generation family business, Caffè Pavin traces its roots back to the end of the nineteenth century, around the historic Caffè Commercio, in the town square, where his grandfather began to buy raw coffee after the war, and to roast and blend it with a small roasting machine. This was the origin of the company that today operates in about thirty countries around the world: a boast for a family business but firmly anchored to some fundamental values. “Our DNA is what we are – says Emiliano Beghetto, who has been man-aging Caffè Pavin since 2004 together with his cousins Franco, Gianfranco and Placido and his mother Nedda, omnipresent with her passion and energy – A DNA that we inherited from our parents and grandparents and that the entire company is imbued with, a bit like the aroma of our coffee. It’s a matter of fluids coming together, a real mixture that makes the blend”. A further key strength of Caffè Pavin is undoubtedly the horizontal nature ofthe positions within the company. There is no “paròn”, the boss, to put it in the Venetian way, but everyone is considered at the same level while respecting the tasks, attitudes and specifics of each person, since everyone works for the good of the company. “We strongly believe in everyone’s sense of responsibility – continues the entrepreneur – and in the enhancement of the skills of the individual, to whom we give maximum freedom. The result is excellent, as is the company’s well-being.”

“By nature, we have always been optimistic. Even in the most difficult moments, such as the lockdowns following the pandemic, we have never been pessimistic. This is also part of our genetic code, conditioned, however, by a territory that historically is confident, open to the world and to trade. And it’s no coincidence that these very lands gave birth to Ennio Doris who, by the way, is my mother’s cousin”, Beghetto concludes, preparing an espresso to end the chat.

Article written by the magazine Stil’è – L’arte di Vivere il Bello. 



Our history goes back to the early twentieth century when Cesare Pavin and his wife, Elisa, opened the Caffè Commercio in the center of Tombolo, a small town near Padua, Italy.

In the Caffè Commercio, they served not only traditional wine and spirits, but also coffee to their customers. This beverage was so popular with their customers that in a few years it became the main product.

Unfortunately, at the age of 32, Cesare died in a car accident while on a business trip. This tragedy did not diminish the family’s desire to continue the business he loved so much, and thanks to Elisa, the Caffè Commercio continued to exist.

In 1949, Cesare’s sons, Raffaele and Luigi, decided to buy raw coffee beans in order to mix and roast them to create blends with an unmistakable taste.

In a few years, the coffee served at Caffè Commercio became the best in the region, and it started to attract many customers, even from distant places.

Initially, the coffee was roasted in a small 10 kg manual roaster and was sold by Luigi, who at the time delivered by bicycle small packages of Pavin Caffè to their customers.

The bicycle was soon replaced by a Fiat Topolino 500 and from this moment on, the company’s development and the acquisition of new markets became unstoppable.